H-SIM develops professional flight simulators for flight schools, UAV manufacturers and end-users, gimbal manufacturers and end-users, in order to enhance their training quality and security, and to reduce their training costs.
All H-SIM flight simulator components are based on proprietary H-SIM software which gives customers the best reliability, support and on-demand specific evolutions.
H-SIM's objective is to offer high quality flight trainers, including all the training tools and functions that you would expect to find in a Full Flight Simulator, but at an affordable price.
H-SIM founders are engineers, helicopter and aircraft pilots. Their rich experience includes technical project management of the Rafale F2 fighter flight simulator and global customer support in the industrial sector.
H-SIM technology and expertise includes a cutting edge real-time image generator specifically developed for helicopter training, a patented display system, cockpit technology, flight controls, instructor operating station tools, and above all its unique and proprietary simulation software.
Because it is so important for the simulator training environment to be very close to real conditions, H-SIM provides you with a simulator that accurately models your actual helicopter. Your simulator will be set-up with your actual helicopter data (engine, rotor, mass, aerodynamics, transmission) and consequently will closely match the real performance. Your simulated cockpit will be a replica of the real cockpit (actual form, flight controls, panel, equipment, seats, harnesses). We can use refurbished real airframes or manufacture replica cockpits.
Since our simulators are based on proprietary software, we are able to implement features that are not available on any other products. This allows us to stay at the cutting edge of simulator technology and propose one of the most advanced and evolvable system available today in the simulation industry at affordable price.
This also means that we can tailor the simulator to meet our customers' exact needs in terms of specific functions and tools. Examples of these bespoke features include:
· Simulated failures(mechanical, electrical, etc).
· Specific visual databases (for precise modelling of the environment of your choice).
· 3D visual system functions (special 3D objects, special effects, animated features, weather effects).
· Instructor station tools, diagrams and views.
· specific instruments, for instance: GPS.